
GDPR Compliance Information

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European law governing the data protection and privacy of all citizens of the EU and the EEA. It is not applicable to users who are not citizens of the EU or EEA.

What data does BigBoardSports collect about me?

BigBoardSports collects your given name, sur name and email address. In addition, BigBoardSports allows the administrator of the school or club to define additional information that is required for the activity in which you wish to participate. This data will be entered by you, or imported from information you provided to the school or club.

How long does BigBoardSports retain my information?

BigBoardSports retains the collected data in perpetuity, unless directed otherwise by the individual or the school or club. This data is used for historical reporting only, after its initial purpose of scheduling appointments.

Why does BigBoardSports collect my information?

BigBoardSports is a system designed for schools or clubs to help athletes and their parents through the recruiting process, as well as organize data related to their athletic activities. We collect data consistent with the school or club's need to participate in athletic activites.

Who does BigBoardSports share my information with?

BigBoardSports does not share your data with third parties. It is viewable only by BigBoardSports employees whose role requires access to this information, and the school or club administrator who is responsible for the activity to which you are participating. In addition, university coaches may also be given access to this information for the sole purpose of recruiting athletes to their programs.

Who is responsible for my data?

BigBoardSports employs a data protection officer whose duty is to maintain the integrity of our system and the collected data. Currently, this role is held by David Broome. He may be reached at should there be need for complaint.